Tuesday, September 29, 2015

C) Question on education, learning and teaching that he/she is facing.
Now, I am 23 years old but still when I go out for any interview or any exam I always feel low and very less confident attitude towards everything this is not because of my personality but because of my education which is always in doubt for me. Somewhere the reason of my lowness and less-confident which I feel is because of my school and my higher school or somewhere because of the education system. In school we must have gone through the situation where the teachers are expecting from us to mug up knowledge rather giving us the moral values of education so that we can understand things in a simple way. They always go with the difficult one. The system in which our school regulates I think it should be change. We all need some rules and regulations but when so many things go wrong then the rules and regulations no long can be same.
 Have you ever thought of changing the rules? If not, then we should not blame anybody for our difficulties and if we really think that the impact that has been with us in every moment then we all should raise questions. Have we ever thought that why education is being changing from year to year? Why it is necessary? Why does syllabus get revised after every ten years? I think this is because of the change in the society, advanced technology, morality, mentality and so many other things which force us to make changes. If we look back to our history, the way of
teaching practices, thoughts and belief delivered, were very different and more understandable than what it is now. For example, there were “GURUKULS” in which a child came at the age of 4years and remain there for about 10-12 years. Generally, this age group is considered to be the age of “childhood” where a child can learn more than what it used to. Here each and every child gets equal attention from their Gurus. Each child was taught and trained according to their need of interest and habits. Nothing was being done forcefully. But if we talk about our education system, the concept is being totally different. Nowadays, children used to mug up rather than to understand it. They are more concern about marks that they are obtaining in exam. This is even because of the family pressure as well as from peer group. The education system needs to be change so that a man can prepare himself to earn his livelihood and support his family to the best of his ability. Education, however, has another vital responsibility and that is to prepare a man to face life itself and all struggles, problems and joys with a calm mind and to be able to make appropriate decisions when a crisis arises. Even, after class 12th a child could not make out what should he do next? Why he/she is not able to make out? Does our education system really make us self-reliant? I do not think so, because if a child after his graduation is not employed then it is obvious that something is wrong in the teaching methods. Our system manufactures employees but not employed. When this be change? The changes which can be get only the help of leaders, teachers, administrators and society. The way of teaching needs to be changed. Students can no longer be fed information; they need to learn to be leaders equipped with the knowledge as well as vocational skills to solve unknown problems. Education researchers had foreseen a major disruption in the education sectors. The political leaders need to find a way for educators to best nurture today’s youth as they are the future of our country. What qualities should leader possesses in the future? Leadership is not only about giving and following order, rather thinking critically and serving humanity. The future depends on inspired leadership and that every society must be very intentional about how it trains its leader.
Most students ask virtually none of these thought stimulating types of questions. They tend to stick to dead questions like “Is this going to be on the test”?  Most teachers in turn are not themselves generators of questions and answers of their own, that is are not seriously engaged in thinking their own subjects. We must continually remind ourselves that thinking begins with respect to some content only when questions are generated by both teachers and students. No questions, no understanding. Superficial questions equal to superficial understanding. Most students have no questions. They not only sit in silence, their mind is silent as well. Hence, the questions they do have tend to be superficial. This demonstrates that most of the time they are not thinking through the content they are presumed to be learning.  Most of the time we see that in school teachers scolds students even if they were asking for pencil, eraser, etc. Have we ever thought why education system is divided into four levels i.e. primary, middle, secondary and higher secondary? Why teachers do not give us practical knowledge? Why they are tend us to focus on theory and not on practical use? According to me practical knowledge should be there and teachers should change their teaching techniques according to the need of interest and aptitude of the child.      

As children we are born with infinite curiosity and lack fear to use it. The new system should be implemented this understanding by: Letting learning happen instead of making it happens. The new future needs a new method of preparation. As,  Sir  Albert Einstein says: “Everybody is a genius   but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree. It will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid”. So, I think our curriculum should be flexible and each child can opt their subject as per the need, aptitude and interest of the child.

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